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Industry Information

Separation effect and function of slurry separation system

Pub Date:Apr 09, 2021    |    Views:174    |    

In the process of shield tunnel construction, the biggest difficulty and focus is the disposal of waste slurry and slag generated during construction. Whether it can be dealt with in a timely and effective manner directly affects the economic and environmental pressure of construction. In the process of applying the shield construction technology to the construction of the urban subway tunnel project, its continuity can be effectively guaranteed by the application of the slurry treatment method of the slurry shield construction, and at the same time, it can also reduce the external discharge caused by the slurry treatment of the shield construction. It plays an important role in promoting the process of urbanization and the construction of urban subways, and exerts great social benefits.

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At the same time, the application of the slurry separation system also makes it possible to avoid serious pollution caused by the stacking of muck and waste slurry due to the limitation of the construction site during the shield construction in urban areas. The efficiency of slurry treatment is improved. The quality and progress of the construction have been fully guaranteed, and the muddy water has been effectively analyzed, realizing the secondary use of water resources, reducing pollution and muddy water discharge, while also reducing the construction investment, so that the economic benefits of the enterprise are obtained.

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